. Paulz Trainz<title>Paulz Trainz Models North British Railways 0-4-2 Stirling 1849 LocoLoco

North British Railways 0-4-2 Stirling 1849 Loco

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Purchase the North British Railways 0-4-2 Stirling 1849Loco

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Add weathering to One Two or Three Locos!

Type Numbers to be weathered here !

The SC 042 Stirling Pack comprises 3 different 0-4-2 locos and tenders, animated crew, Industry enabled coal loading, 12 months support and warranty for $12 US. Individual locos available for $6. Weathering add $1 each.
Here is a set of 3 of these locos, all different, and tested for TRS2004 & TRS2006, include animated footplate crew (there wasnt a cab in those days) animated coal loading, user selectable headcodes and taillamps.

Quality models for TRAINZ enthusiasts you can depend on !


Further details and pictures here

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